Thursday, March 25, 2010

Lawrenceburg Leaders Appropriate Funds For Industrial Development

   Lawrenceburg leaders voted Thursday to amend the city’s 2009-2010 fiscal year budget ordinance in order to meet a year-old financial commitment.

   Lawrenceburg Mayor Keith Durham explained to members of the city council that the ordinance came about as a result of a commitment the Board of Mayor and Council made in 2009.

At that time Durham requested that, should the city obtain funds owed them in back taxes on the old Murray, Inc., building, the city designate up to $20,000 of that money for industrial development and recruitment. “This ordinance is just us keeping that commitment,” Durham stated.

   The ordinance calls for a budget amendment in the amount of $16,083.23, with those funds being appropriated to the city/county Joint Economic and Community Development Board.

That board is overseeing development at the Team Lawrence Industrial Park, including the construction of a spec building, in the hopes of wooing new industry to the area.

Work has continued at the site, including basic infrastructure and site preparation. Work on the spec building is expected to begin soon. Funds from the city appropriation are to go toward the project.

   The ordinance, which was approved on first reading, must be approved a second time before taking effect. Second reading is expected to be held during the council’s April 8, 2010 meeting.


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